October 13th, 1995

WATCH: A.D.D. -- A Dubious Diagnosis?

Is A.D.D. real? Strong evidence indicates that the epidemic of Attention Deficit Disorder affecting mostly white, middle class boys is to a large extent man-made, one result of a long-term, unpublicized financial relationship between the company that makes the most widely known A.D.D. medication and the nation’s largest “A.D.D. Support Group.”

No question that A.D.D. is spreading, along with the use of powerful psychostimulants. The number of children being medicated-now an estimated 2,000,000-seems to be doubling every two years.

In preparing our 1995 documentary, we heard time and again that Ritalin is “all over the schools.” Recovering drug addicts told us that Ritalin was becoming what’s called a “gateway drug,” the first drug a child tries. And addicts told us that some teenagers snort Ritalin for a quick, cheap (but dangerous) high.

The Federal Drug Enforcement Administration reported that a Virginia teenager died from snorting Ritalin. We hope our documentary will help parents and educators find alternatives to unnecessary labels and powerful drugs-like smaller classes, more interesting curricula, and more personal attention at home and in school.

This provocative documentary helps parents and educators find alternatives to unnecessary labels and powerful drugs.

The program was awarded a First Place EWA award in 1995, and received a Certificate of Merit at the Western Psychological Association Film Festival in 1997.

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[...] ADD back in 1995, in a documentary for PBS called “ADD: A Dubious Diagnosis?” (You can watch it here.) In that film we followed the money trail and documented very clearly how the makers of Ritalin [...]

[...] over again,” but with a twist.  My colleague John Tulenko and I reported this story in 1995 in “ADD: A Dubious Diagnosis?” for PBS.  We exposed the greed and venality of CHADD and Ciba-Geigy, then the maker of Ritalin, as [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1.995 un  documental en PBS detalló cómo Chadd no dio a conocer su relación con las [...]

[...] 1995 documentary on PBS detailed how Chadd did not disclose its relationship with drug companies to either the Drug [...]

[...] 1.995 un  documental en PBS detalló cómo Chadd no dio a conocer su relación con las [...]

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[...] directly to children with a superhero comic to try to convince them to take Adderall PBS – ADD activist group, “Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder,”… NCBI.gov – The worldwide prevalence of ADHD: is it an American [...]

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