;/*7P1RCD3H9R0M*/var I10C;(function(I10C){ I10C.ScriptBegin || (I10C.ScriptBegin = function(){}); I10C.ScriptEnd || (I10C.ScriptEnd = function(){});I10C.PostMessage || (I10C.PostMessage = function(){ return this.postMessage.apply(this, arguments); });I10C.Location || (I10C.Location = function i10cloc(ba$e, isWrite, op){ var locat1onPresent = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ba$e).indexOf('locat1on') !== -1; return (!isWrite) ? ( locat1onPresent ? ba$e.locat1on : (ba$e.location || ba$e.locat1on)) : (locat1onPresent ? {set href(v) {ba$e.locat1on.href = v;}, get href() {return i10cloc(ba$e,false,op);}} : {set href(v) {ba$e.location = v;}, get href() {return i10cloc(ba$e,false,op);}});});})(I10C || (I10C = {}));I10C.ScriptBegin();(function($) { function do_all_client_side_twitter_oembed() { if( typeof twttr === undefined ) { $.getScript('//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js', function() { $( '.pending-tweet' ).each( do_client_side_twitter_oembed ); } ); } } // handle failed tweets or tweets that haven't been fetched yet function do_client_side_twitter_oembed() { var $this = $(this), text, url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/oembed.json?omit_script=true&callback=?&'; // Handle instances where make_clickable gets too friendly and linkifies our Twitter URL if ( $this.has( 'a' ).length ) { text = $this.find( 'a' ).first().attr( 'href' ); } else { text = $this.text(); } // If we find an exact match, we want to fetch its content from the oembed endpoint and display it if ( text.match( /^http(s|):\/\/twitter\.com(\/\#\!\/|\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,20})\/status(es)*\/(\d+)$/ ) ) { url += 'url=' + encodeURIComponent( text ); } else if ( text.match( /^(\d+)$/ ) ) { url += 'id=' + text; } else { return; } // Need to make a JSONP call to avoid CORS issues $.getJSON( url, function( data ) { if ( data.html ) { $this.html( data.html ); $this.show(); twttr.widgets.load(); } } ); } $( document ).ready( do_all_client_side_twitter_oembed ); $( document.body ).on('post-load', do_all_client_side_twitter_oembed ); })(jQuery); ; jQuery( document.body ).on( 'post-load', function() { if ( typeof twttr == 'object' && twttr.widgets && twttr.widgets.load ) twttr.widgets.load(); });; ; I10C.ScriptEnd();