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Anne Russell ·
Do not, I repeat do not, give psychotropic drugs to children and adolescents. Instead try good nutrition, daily exercise, talk therapy.
Laurene L Larson ·
I've studied these drugs for decades. Research is available. This study supports what many studies in the past claimed. David Healy and Irving Kirsh were pioneers in pointing out SSRIs are not effective. Big profitable scam.
Chris Turner
It had been know prior to its lauch that Prozac, a SSRI, increases the risk of suicide. But the criminal medical business had lucrative products to sell, the SSRIs, so they invented the myth that serotonin is the happy hormone.

Yet a sizable volume of sound research studies demonstrated that increasing serotonin and tryptophan either with drugs or supplements is linked to brain dysfunction, stress hormone release, cognitive deficits, inflammation, impaired blood circulation in the brain, hypertension, cancer, and other less than "happy" effects - http://www.supplements-and-health.com/tryptophan-side...

Allopathic medicine is mostly scam medicine.
George Hall ·
Works at Self-Employed
We have a health care system that can be improved enormously .
We are obsessede with drugs as the be all and end all. Pathetic and narrow minded attempt to restore health. Ignoring far more effective and less expenisve apporaches.
Rut Sliwi
El Chapo was in the wrong "drug business". He should have specialized in the legal one where it is no slower becoming a billionaire but with the feds behind you. And with Justin, El Chapo would have been Just in time!