Audiotape also reveals Biden had been willing to “come out” and “midwife this thing” that got Ukraine’s president toppled

After helping topple Ukraine's last legitimate president in 2014, the Obama Regime not only re-structured and started controlling Ukraine's General Prosecutor's office, but it also hand-picked Ukraine's new prime minister. This has been revealed in another leaked recording whose authenticity hasn't been denied by the U.S. This recording helps in understanding how the Obama Administration shoved Ukraine headlong into invasion by Russia.
This audiotape features 2 high level Obama officials handpicking Ukraine's new prime minister, deciding to bring in West-friendly opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Regarding the authenticity of this audiotape, BBC diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus states, "the US has not denied its veracity and has been quick to point a finger at the Russian authorities for being behind its interception and leak." Former State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki criticized the Russian officials’ publicizing of the tape as “a new low in Russian tradecraft.” Psaki did not dispute the recording's authenticity either, saying “I did not say it was not authentic” at a news briefing.
The leaked audiotape features a conversation between Geoffrey Pyatt who was then US Ambassador in Ukraine, and Victoria Nuland who was then the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. Nuland and Pyatt decided during their phone conversation to choose Arseniy Yatsenyuk as Ukraine's new prime minister instead of the other opposition leaders Vitali Klitschko and Oleh Tyahnybok, saying:
Nuland: [Breaks in] I think Yats [Arseniy Yatsenyuk] is the guy who's got the economic experience, the governing experience. He's the... what he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok [the other 2 opposition leaders] on the outside. [...]
Pyatt: [...] I think we've got to do something to make it stick together [...] But anyway we could land jelly side up on this one if we move fast. [...] We want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing.
Nuland: [...] [Biden's national security adviser] Sullivan's come back to me, VFR, saying you need Biden, and I said probably tomorrow for an atta-boy and to get the deets [details] to stick. So Biden's willing.
Pyatt: OK. Great. Thanks.
The "deets" did stick after Biden's "atta-boy" and president Yanukovych was ousted and "Yats" did become Ukraine's new prime minister exactly as Nuland and Pyatt had agreed he should.
What had the Obama Administration done to "make it stick together" so it could "land jelly side up" by moving fast during the Maidan protests? What had Biden given his "atta boy" to and how, which required the total restructuring of Ukraine's General Prosecutor's office after the firing of the General Prosecutor?
For the answers, PART 4 goes back further in time to 2013, to the start of the Maidan protests.
PART 2: Obama officials hide their crimes by ordering the re-structuring of Ukraine's entire General Prosecutor's Office
Puppet president Poroshenko also allows America's "person of trust within new prosecution system"
A much-underestimated, powerful way to help end the corruption
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